If you are like most small business owners, you are reliant on technology. You want to make sure you are not paying more than you need to for your technology needs, but you also want to make sure that you are not exposed to failures or technology issues that can cost you thousands of dollars either. I get it.

What you need to know is that just because a technology company is big in size, does not mean they have your best interests at heart. In fact, it is a proven fact that many large Information Technology or Telecommunications companies are concerned with one thing – grabbing market share with complete disregard for business ethics. They purposefully price their products or services in a manner that forces you to think that you have no other choice than to sign a term contract.

It gets worse.

Let’s say a Telecommunications company wants to sell you the internet connection and the VoIP service. Amazingly, they are priced so you will save money if the terms are different. For example, for you to get the best deal, the connection is on a 2 year term and the phone service is on a 3 year term. Ok, so what? Let’s say the service is lousy, the customer service sucks, and you want to cancel. You Can’t cancel the internet connection at the end of the two year term, as it is required for the phone service, unless you pay an outrageous cancellation fee to cancel the phone service early; which was outlined in the contract you signed. Your other option, is to cancel the internet connection and keep paying for the phone service for the remaining year, while you try to port your numbers to a new provider.

So what is the answer?

Great question! The answer is to use your power as a consumer and refuse to sign a term contract. Let’s face it, it is too painful to switch any type of technology service from one provider to another. So if your current service provider is doing a reasonable job and charging you a reasonable fee, chances are you wont leave them. So why is there a need for a term contract? There isn’t! It is my business philosophy that you own your technology environment and whatever service provider that you choose to hire is merely a trusted custodian of your intellectual property and technology infrastructure. They should manage your technology in a manner that makes it abundantly clear that you are well taken care of and your continued business is valued.

Folks, it is time to vote with your wallet! Do not fall for the advertising gimmicks, lies, sales tricks, and other ways that big tech companies want you to believe is the “Way That It Is”. You are not destitute! You have options! Explore those options, educate yourself thoroughly and surround yourself with ethical business owners that will fight for you! As a veteran, I can tell you that nothing in this world can stop a determined American Soldier! At 24×7 Protect IT, we will fight to our last breath for our clients! I have already pried several clients away from big tech companies that had these client handcuffed to them. I am fed up with the unethical business practices and I am doing something about it! UHRA

24×7 Protect IT offers month-to month Service Agreements. We only ask for 90 days notice, so that we may gracefully off-board you and work with your new service provider as they onboard your organization. We want the transition to have zero impact on your organization. This verbiage is clearly spelled out in our service agreement. We don’t want a client to stay with us if we cannot serve their needs. You have a right to be taken care of, treated with dignity and respect, and to have qualified professionals watching over your network 24x7x365!

So, what are you waiting for? Call us today at (678) 606-0018 or complete our Contact form: https://www.24x7protectit.com/contact-us/ and experience peace of mind and industry leading customer service!

Paul J. Chrisco

Information Technology Professional